Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Some Wintergreen and SVU - Dip Talk

Indy Dipper here with the first edition of Dip Talk. A pinch of Grizzly Wintergreen LC A.K.A Old Faithful, in my lip and I'm ready to rock n' roll! Today I'm gonna talk about Law and Order: SVU. It's one of my favorite shows. I mean, I watch the reruns on USA. I absolutely despise everything after season 11. You're probably asking yourself, 'Why does ol' Indy Dipper hate everything after season 11?' Well, invisible voice in my head, it comes down to one simple explanation. THERE'S NO STABLER! Detective Stabler IS, or rather was the franchise, man! His honesty and hot headed temperament made the show what it was. I mean, past Olivia Benson was a smoke show and she is a big part of the show as well, but she gets on my nerves. She's full of constant hunches and opinions that just piss me off as a fan of the show, as well as a human being. I saw an episode the other day, where this chick was all like, "I was raped." And then later in the episode she wasn't raped and she just didn't want her parents to know that she was having sex. Benson was still in that girl's corner. Defending her to the ADA saying that she was confused and stuff like that. No bitch! She is a liar and she filed a false police report. Arrest that bitch, brother! Besides my disdain for Detective Benson's personality, there's another reason for my love for this show. The ADA's are all babes. Casey Novak and Alex Cabot? Yes'm! Get my wolf whistle going! I almost forgot the fact that they made Ice T a detective as well. What's better than a lispy detective with a bad attitude and a pony tail? Nothing. You also have the Dale Gribble of Manhattan SVU, John Munch. He's the best use of comic relief in any cop drama that I've ever witnessed. All in all, seasons 1-11 are the greatest, friend. This concludes the very first post of Dip Talk. I'm going to spit out my plug and eat something. ID, out.

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