Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Reflection

Hey y'all. Indy Dipper here. I'm going to change up my writing style for this post. It's going to be a little more serious than usual. It's about Memorial Day. Now, most people think of today as a day off work or school or whatever it is that y'all are getting a break from, but the real reason that this is such a prestigious holiday is for the sole fact that some of the brave men and women that go over seas to fight for your freedom, didn't get to come home and relax on this day. You may be thinking today is going to be the best day to cook out or it's the best day to go fishin' or whatever your plans are, but just take a moment and say a prayer for the families of the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice for you and me. Over a million courageous people have lost their lives protecting what this great country stands for, giving us the right to wake up every morning without fear. I'm proud to say that I'm an American citizen. I'm also proud to say that I'm the way I am because of the sacrifice that these men and women have made. So, just think about that today as you're lighting up your grill or casting out your line. Keep that in mind and I know that the interweb is a BIG place and not everyone that could possibly read this post is lucky enough call this great land home, but please remain respectful. Well, that's mostly all I have to say about that. God bless the USA and the United States military. God bless the men and women that laid down their lives for our great country and God bless the brave ones that made it home alive and that are serving our country right now. Indy Dipper, out.

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