Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My top 5 favorite dips

I'm bored, sitting at home. So, I thought I'd write a list out telling y'all about my favorite dips in a top five list.

5. Grizzly Straight LC- Now I've ranked Grizzly straight as number 5 because it's flavor is real nice for a straight flavored dip and it's cheap too.
4. Skoal Apple- I know y'all are out there thinking, 'This guy's a little bitch for liking a fruity dip.' But in my opinion it's probably the greatest flavor Skoal has to offer. It's not an over powering flavor and it sits real nice in your lip. It's an occasional dip for me and I only use it when I get tired of the flavor I'm stuck on. It's like a nice palette cleanser.
3. Copenhagen Southern Blend- Now this stuff'll bring a nice swift kick of the south to your salivary glands. It's got a nice, chill taste and it really helps you unwind after a long day.
2. Kodiak Wintergreen LC- Now this stuff would be my daily dipper if it didn't cost so dang much. It's got an amazing flavor and it's not an overpowering one either. If you're looking for a delicious wintergreen to dip while you're sitting in your private jet, this is for you.
1. Grizzly Wintergreen LC- like y'all thought I'd say anything else. This is the mother of all dips. (Even though Grizzly has only been around since 2001) it has completely taken over the market in the Midwest, and rightfully so. It's got the perfect amount of wintergreen flavor and you won't go broke having it as a daily dipper. If you have any doubts, go check out my post where I profess my love for the stuff. 
Well there's my list and I'm sticking to it. Other honorable mentions, Cope Wintergreen, Cope Black, Timberwolf Peach, and Stokers natty.

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