Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My first dipping experience

Here's a little diddy about my first time dipping. I was a young whipper snapper, about 14 years old, and I always wanted to try dip because my dad had been using the stuff since as long as I can remember. I loved the smell of a freshly cracked can. The aroma would loft through our home and it would reach my prepubescent nostrils and my mind would race as I would wonder how the magical stuff would taste. Well, one day I got my chance. You see, the old man left a can of Grizzly Wintergreen Long Cut in his pants pocket and mom found it and placed the tin on top of the dryer, so she wouldn't wash it with the load of laundry. Dad didn't know it was there, but ol' Indy Dipper did. I swiped that can from atop the dryer and placed it in my back pocket. Well, time passed by and my parents went to work. I called my buddy over to hang out with my older brother and me. While we were coming up with ideas for what we should do on that summer day, I was itchin' to get a pinch in my lip. So, I suggested we walk to Walmart to get some snacks. My buddies thought that was a great idea, so they headed out the back door and I opened my can and put a hogger in. I started buzzing right away and it felt weird, yet extremely pleasing. So, I started after my brother and my buddy. As I started running to catch up with them, I felt all light headed and I felt like I was gonna hurl, but I toughed through it. What I didn't realize was that I swallowed my spit. I was like a ticking time bomb and the inevitable was going to happen any minute. Any who, I finally caught up to my pals and started talking to them. Halfway through my sentence I puked all over the grass. It wouldn't stop, I mean, this was like a super soaker just splashing the ground like it was a hot hootchie at a wet t-shirt contest. By the time I was done looking like an amateur, my brother looked at me and started laughing although he was completely oblivious to the fact that I had a dip in. So, we kept on our way to the store. Anyways, I didn't touch the stuff until about 3 years later and for good measure I made damn sure I wasn't doing anything active the next time.

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