Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Skoal Realization

So, I needed dip tonight. This is a normal occurence for me, so nothing out of the ordinary took place during this dip run. I went up to the counter and the lady asked me what I wanted and I was like the usual plus a can of Skoal Apple. You know, because it's one of my favorite dips of all time. I described this in my "5 favorite dips" post. Oh never mind. Anyway, so she gives me the cans and I paid and that was it. BAM! Dip was picked up and I was on my way home. I got through the door and sat down on my love seat. I cracked the can of Skoal Apple, sniffed the contents of the can, and immediately felt nauseous. I was confused. Never has this happened to me before. I love this stuff. Why is it giving me an upset stomach? I ignored the fact that my stomach was turning and proceeded to put a pinch in. I sat there for a second and I realized something. This shit is gross. I took it out and cleaned my mouth out the best I could. Why have you betrayed me, Skoal Apple? I used to love you and now you taste like your evil Berry twin. All Skoal favors are the devil and they should be burned at the stake for an abomination  against all dip kind. This really hit me hard, but any way to conclude this post, I'm just gonna say one thing. FUCK YOU SKOAL AND ALL OF YOUR NASTINESS. Indy Dipper out!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Article
    Thank for Sharing :))
