Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My First Legal Can Of Dip

By the time I turned 18, I had been frequently getting my fix from my friends, but now I could finally buy a can for myself. I had been waiting for this moment for as long as I could remember. This was my shot, I had gotten $50 from my grandparents for my birthday and I knew what I was gonna spend it on. The first thing I did was take my girlfriend, well now ex-girlfriend, on a breakfast date. She didn't appreciate it because she knew she was going to dump me the day after my actual birthday. I know. A real bitch move, eh? But anyways, a couple days after the date it was my actual birthday! I woke up and took my brothers to school and ran out of gas on the way. So that sucked, but because of that blunder, my mom let me stay home. So, no school for the Dipmeister. What to do, what to do? Oh yea! I could go buy dip! I got a shower and went on my merry way. I went to the local Speedway gas station and got pretty nervous because I frequented that establishment and I didn't want the cashier ladies thinking I was some "local hooligan" looking to score some tobacco. So, I walked back towards my house and noticed my now favorite gas station. I went in and stumbled on my words, but I finally got it out. "Two cans of Grizzly Wintergreen Longcut, please." The Middle eastern gentleman behind the counter looked at me and said, "Do you have an I.D., sir?" I looked back at him with panic! I then realized that I was infact old enough to buy tobacco products an slapped that bad boy on the counter with a saucy reply, "Yes. I. Do." He looked at it for what seemed to be forever and then he turned around and grabbed two cans of old faithful from behind the counter. He handed them to me and requested my payment to which I payed the man. So, after the transaction, I grabbed the cans and made my way back to my house. I grabbed an empty two liter bottle to spit in and sat down on the couch. I was so excited. All I could think was that I officially bought my first can of dip. I took a pinch and ready'd myself for the biggest buzz of my life. It was awesome. I was on top of the world until I felt that queasy, throw uppy feeling. I then ran to the kitchen and threw up. I'm talking full on projectile. After I cleaned myself up, I sat back down in shame and watched some tv. I put another pinch in and I successfully handled the buzz this time around. I was so proud of myself that I jumped up with joy before I had to sit back down because surprise, surprise, head buzz. Well, anyway that's the story of the first time I bought dip legally. I hope y'all enjoyed it. 

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