Thursday, July 30, 2015

Just an update.

The last time I posted a blog, I was in Ohio and if y'all read my post about the Ohio State University, you'd know I love the state. The reason why I'm posting today is because I wanted to give my readers a little update for what's going on with me. I was unemployed for about six months. This period stemmed from when I was terminated from my position at a Utility pole inspection company, at which I was well liked by my coworkers and disliked by my GM for some reason. Maybe it was because I had been late a few times or maybe it was because my productivity dropped heading into the winter, or maybe it was because he just didn't like me. I don't know, but he sure as hell fired my ass off of a technicality. The reason why I was "let go," wasn't for any of the reasons that I mentioned previously. Oh no. I was fired because I wasn't wearing my person protective equipment. (PPEs) which I get it, sure. The company doesn't want their employes to sue or anything like that, over an injury that could've been avoided because I was wearing my gloves or my safety vest. The thing is, no one wore their PPEs. The most someone would wear was their hard hat or possibly their vest in a high traffic area. So, I was fired for doing something that everyone else was doing. Anyway, long story short I was fired on Christmas Eve and didn't find employment until I went to a job fair in Indy, where I was hired at a vacation company. I was a telemarketer and I hated interrupting people's dinner's with my speech on a timeshare. Also, I couldn't dip, so I dipped my ass right out the door and from there I was unemployed. I didn't get job offers until June. I applied at a few places and got some interviews which led to hirings and then leaving my position to find something better. I finally stuck with a security company and I still work there to this day, but that wasn't enough. I needed more money. So I got hired on at a lumber yard. I still work here too. I'm really appreciated at both jobs and I get thanked for my hard work all the time. So, there's your update. Indy Dipper, out.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What It's Like Without Dip

Hey, Indy Dipper here. I'm gonna be talking about something that hits real close to home and that is what it's like to not have dip. I've had this awful, tragedy happen to me on more than one occasion. First, you sit there after you take your last pinch from a can and your like, "Shit! I'm out of dip." Then, you come to the conclusion that you can get through the rest of the day with taking another enjoyable pinch. So, after you get done with the one in your lip, you sit there and you're fine for about ten minutes and if you're me, you'll probably start craving another pinch by that time, but you don't get paid until tomorrow so you can't just go buy another can. Oh no! What do you do? It's been like 15 hours since you've had a dip. So, you're trying to stay on task at work or while you're doing something else, but you can't because all you can think about is a nice can of grizzly wintergreen long cut. So you're frantically trying to get through the work day and you keep checking the clock and you realize that you haven't had a dip in for only about five minutes. You soon realize that time really runs slow until you take another pinch. So, now the only thought going through your mind is DIP. So you text a buddy ask him to buy it for you, he says no. You text your fuck buddy and she says no. You text your brother and he says no. So you have to go to drastic measures. Text your mom. She come in clutch and says yes. You rejoice, but then everyone in the office looks at you weird because you just screamed yes at the top of your lungs and the last time they checked sex wasn't allowed in the work place. So then you look down in shame, but you wait until your mom gets there. Wait, wait, wait. You even start contemplating asking for a cigarette so you can see if that that'll work. Then your mom pulls up the to your place of work and hands you a can of skoal and you say fuck it and crack the can and put in a hogger of nicotine bliss. So that's what's like for me. What's it like for you? Indy Dipper out!