Saturday, June 27, 2015

Buckeyes and Some Grizz - Dip Talk #3

GHey y'all. You know who is it is and you know what I'm dippin', so let's skip the introductions and let's dive into nictotine-fueled bliss. Today, our topic is my favorite college, the Ohio State University Buckeyes! Many people may ask, Indy, why do you like OSU? Let me tell y'all something that may shock many of you Hoosiers and others around the world alike, I'm actually a migrant to these here cornfields. I was born and raised a Buckeye, hailing from Darke County, Ohio. For those who aren't familiar with the Ohioian counties, that's about 45 minutes from Dayton. To be less specific, the county borders Indiana. People question my loyalty to a university that is in the center of the state. They say "Why aren't you a diehard Dayton fan, or Miami (Ohio) fan, or even a Ohio U fan?" I'm gonna let y'all in on a little secret. Where I'm from, it's almost like suburb of Columbus. It's just on the other side of the state. Everyone here is a Buckeye fan and I was raised to believe that as well. Anyhow, I've been a fan for as long as I can remember. I remember the controversial national championship in 2002. (I mean, it wasn't controversial for us, but for Miami.) Of course I remember spanking everyone in our path last season, except for Virginia Tech, I'm still pissed about that one. We still won the first college playoffs championship! Suck it, Oregon! Eddie won the heisman the year I was born and Troy won it in '06 and of course everyone knows Archie won it 2x. (I know there's more winners, I can't think of them off the top of my head right now, I mean it's 4 am, for God's sake!) We've had a lot of accomplishments in our football program. We've had success in basketball and wrestling (Logan Stieber, anyone?) and our academics are off the charts. It's just a great fandom to be apart of, man! There are Buckeyes all over the world, man! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015


I would like to be refered to by these names for now on. 
-The Duke of Dip
-King Cope
-The Grizzlanator
-The Dip Man
-The Sultan of Chaw

There we go, friends. The list of nicknames you may refer to your favorite dip blogger. 

My Thoughts on Dip

The facts about tobacco are mind blowing. Dipping tobacco is often thought to be an alternative to smoking, yet that Ian necessarily true, but It's a carcinogen, it causes tooth loss and your gums start to recede. It's an addictive substance. Which is what makes it so damn enjoyable. The reason I started dipping was because I thought it was cool to do. My dad dips and has done so for as long as I can remember. I thought it was cool because my dad did it. The cowboys in the westerns I watched when I was little chewed tobacco. (Two different forms of smokeless tobacco, which if you are an outsider of the dip community, you wouldn't know this.) So, because of all of my role models, I made the assumption that using chaw is cool. Now that I have used the stuff for almost two years, I have come to a conclusion. It's not cool. I love it though. It takes the stress away. It makes me feel bliss in an utterly stressful world. It's just amazing. So, that's what I'm thinking right now. Indy Dipper, out!